Monday, March 10, 2014

Fuck all of this crap

Fracture, stop sending incompetent idiots. Or maybe don't, because if you sent someone competent, one of us might actually get hurt. Still, sending rapists after a woman is cold, even for you. Don't you like to pretend you're better than that or something?

For those of you who aren't fuckface, here's how it went down. We were just about to hit the border when a couple of cops showed up out of nowhere. We weren't sure if they were there for the stolen car, just pulling us over out of boredom, or if they'd been bought, but it didn't much matter. Cops are always fucking trouble. ALWAYS.

These ones were pretty fucked up. Pigs tend to be sexist, racist pricks, but the one in particular who came up to talk right when we pulled over was the fucking worst. Rambled on and on about how women can't drive, about how I shouldn't be driving because I was a menace to everything on the road, and how I should be back in the kitchen or getting fucked.

I'll admit, I lost it. I killed that fucker right then and there. Turns out, I had good reason. His partner zapped me while I was killing him, and next thing I knew I was waking up chained to the ceiling listening to the assholes debating on whether they were allowed to rape me before they sent me in to get their money. If I hadn't managed to get free... Well, there were three of them, and they decided that they'd probably still get their money if they had their fun first.

The idiots came in one at a time, the first one planning on having his way with me, the other two investigating the silence. Those three went down fast too. No way in hell would I ever allow a rapist shithead to live. They had another woman chained to a bed in the room next to mine. I freed her before I found Sloth, and then we got the fuck out.

You act so fucking high and mighty, and yet this is the kind of scum you're willing to give your money? Fuck you. We're still alive, and we're staying that way.


  1. I'm sorry if the ethical standards of the gangs I offered a bounty on your head for are less than satisfactory. I don't exactly send them you know. I don't even know these people really. They're just loose associations I traffic through looking for a quick payday.

    They have stronger ties to timber-wolves higher up their chains.

    They're hardly my responsibility and are far from being a reflection of my grandness.

    1. I'm so surprised that you refuse to take responsibility. Seriously. So surprised.

    2. They aren't my people and I'm not their mother.

    3. You hire someone to bring people in alive, and what happens to them at the hands of those people becomes your responsibility
