Sunday, May 12, 2013

Disgusting Bullshit

I worked for the Boss for a couple years without seeing the tall motherfucker. And now... well, I guess I see what the runners were all bitching about. The past couple weeks have fucking sucked. I never really got it before, it was just a job and I didn't really believe all this crap the runners spewed about the tall shit being super powerful and whatever, because it didn't make sense.

I knew what the Boss could do, and it was pretty fucking incredible. I knew what HIS boss could do, and it was downright fucking terrifying. But people like me live by our knives and don't pay attention to the bumps in the night because we ARE them.

This thing can't be cut, can't be killed... I always said I never met a man I couldn't kill, but this isn't exactly a man... The bruises are accumulating and I'm pretty sure I've got a couple broken ribs by now. What I don't understand is why, if the motherfucker is this vicious, it needed us in the first place.

Some of you fuckwits would say this is payback, that this is what I get for working for the tall fuck and for not caring about who I killed.  I expect I'll die alone just like all of the shitheads I did for myself. I can't say I'm surprised.

But this fuckwad's got another thing coming if he thinks I'm coming back or giving up, so he can stop fucking leaving me flowers. This shit is disgusting.


  1. One advantage of proxies over just killing everyone with bare tentacles is communication, I suppose. Or maybe it just likes having lackeys, regardless of whether it actually *needs* them.

    :D Good luck in your fight. Hope you win.

  2. If you want to fight back, you'll have to work smart. Keeping under the radar isn't really an option for you, so instead you should keep on the move. Avoid stress (like that's gonna work) because if you're weak mentally he can get into your head. Keep moving, keep your eyes open, and look at Med's blog (and if you're certain you want to fight him. Smart people working on a way to kill him off using science, you could pick up a couple of ideas.
    Good luck.

    1. Get your mansplaining condescending horsecrap off my blog before I find you and make sure you can't jizz your dickery any further

    2. OK. You carry on your inspired plan of 'fail at stabbing him and bitch about it on the internet'. I won't be back. Don't want to see another one die.

  3. Under the weight of you're harsh realizations, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish beyond 'giving it hell'?

    Why are you still fighting it?

  4. Interesting developments you got there!
